These are really important questions.


You might be in the formative stages of your career or have just graduated from your law degree. Perhaps you’re unsure about what to do next? You might have studied a double degree so law is just one of a number of career choices you’re considering right now.


Relevant information about the legal industry can and should make a huge impact on your decision. It’s like the old saying – knowledge is power.


How Many Lawyers are practising in Australia today?


The legal profession has seen steady growth over the past 10-15 years. Below is a table that sets out the growth of the Australian legal profession since 2011.


Total Number of Practising Lawyers in Australia


2011 57,577
2016 71,509
2022 90,329


There are two justifications for the increase in our view. One is that the ‘baby-boomers’ generation are now at Partner level. Many have built a successful career in the industry and have no intention of retiring just yet. Concurrently, there’s been growth in the number of Australian universities offering law programs.


There are at least 45 Australian universities offering law programs in 2024. This article explains the growth in the number of new law schools since the mid 1990’s.

How Many Law Students are Studying Law in Australia right now?


The numbers are a little hard to come by but our research indicates that at least 15,000 law students enrol in law schools at the start of each year. Of those around 75% have the intention to complete Practical Legal Training and seek admission upon graduation.


Around two thirds (67%) of all newly admitted lawyers go on to work in private practice. 21% work as corporate lawyers and 12% work in government roles.


How Many New Lawyers are Admitted to Practise Each Year?


There were approximately 90,000 lawyers practising in Australia in 2022 and around 10% of them had been admitted for 1 year or less.


At the national level, a majority of all solicitors were female (55%) – a trend first observed in 2018.


There has been a steady increase in solicitors aged 34 years or younger entering the profession since 2014 (+33%), with this age bracket representing 35% of total solicitors.


What Does the Available Data Say About the Future of the Legal Profession? How do these Numbers affect my Career Prospects?


The majority of law schools offer law in conjunction with another field of study. Where possible we think studying a double degree is a great idea for a few reasons:

  • You have more choice upon graduation;
  • Your interests in first year university may change by the time you graduate four or five years later!


If you want to start designing your legal career, our other blog posts have a variety of tips for you to consider to help get your foot in the door. Creating a Linkedin profile is just one of them. Whatever you decide, remember that being proactive is never a bad thing! You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!


Where can I find more information?


2022 National Profile of Solicitors



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How Many Lawyers are there in Australia? (#11)