Hi Samantha! Tell us a bit about yourself and your academic background. 


Hi! I’m a recent Laws/Media (PR & Advertising) graduate from UNSW! I’ve had previous experiences working at a boutique civil litigation law firm, risk consulting and was quite involved in leadership and volunteering opportunities at uni. 


How did you come to find out about Yegal? What was your approach to looking for legal work at that time? 


I found out about Yegal from a friend at uni, and noticed right away that it was the platform I’ve been looking for. Looking for legal work before Yegal is quite difficult – most of the time, finding legal work is heavily based on connection and word of mouth. 


How has Yegal been able to help you?


Yegal’s process was so fast, and more importantly, there is true support. Both Michael and Swaroop went out of their way to connect me with and set up opportunities. As mentioned above, finding legal work whilst studying is a vigorous progress, but with Yegal, the process is streamlined and Michael truly seeks to put your needs first!

I particularly wanted to find a short term contract for PLT work experience, and the team was so understanding of my situation and continued to find the best fit for me!


What have you learned from your time at Valorum Law Group?


I worked with the Principal of Valorum Law (Valentina), and it has been a great opportunity to work independently and find out more about the nitty gritty parts of running your own law firm, and drafting legal documents. I gained a better understanding of how to best draft affidavits as well as how to put your client’s wants first.



What are your professional plans for the rest of this year and beyond?


My next career step is actually outside of legal practice. I’ll be going into technology consulting, but I know for certain the skillset I’ve developed from working at Valorum Law Group will serve me well! 


Who knows what the future holds, and I do anticipate that I might return to the legal industry somewhere in the future.



What advice would you give to any students thinking of applying to Yegal Paralegal?


I wouldn’t hesitate for a second! It is incredibly hard to find work as a uni student/graduate student, and Yegal will help with identifying your strengths and matching you with a company that will help you excel as well as learn valuable skills in the industry (and beyond). 


One tip I do have is, be active on your profile, don’t limit yourself and apply for as many opportunities! The team at Yegal will see your enthusiasm and support you from there.



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