Featured paralegal

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background

I am a 27 year old Sydneysider. I have a JD in law and an undergraduate in Biology. I love my sport and my spare time is spent both watching and playing.


Where were you at with your career at the point you first connected with Yegal Paralegal?

Before I connected with Yegal I had just started a placement with LY Criminal lawyers in Liverpool. The placement was the first law-related opportunity I’d had for some time after leaving the field in 2018. Between 2018 and 2020 I had several other jobs not related to law, as I struggled to find work within the profession.


Tell us about your experience with Yegal? What was the process once you applied?

Yegal has been an outstanding experience. The team acts as a link for people such as myself struggling to find a job in the field that I love. I was flush with opportunities for real, paid legal work after coming on board, which was really refreshing. It gave me hope. Yegal remained in my corner until a position that suited me was found.


Since you got matched to a job, where have you been working and in what capacity?

I am working for Risksmart, a subsidiary of Honan insurance as in-house counsel. We manage a variety of tort claims on behalf of several, high-profile companies. My role as Claims Executive is to determine whether my client has acted negligently and if so, to settle those claims as efficiently as possible. We tend to advise our clients to pursue Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) rather than utilising the Courts as this tends to be more expensive.


What’s the best part about working for Honan?

The people and the culture at Honan are second to none. I continue to build strong relationships with my team members as well as my managers. There is guidance and support systems in place to ensure I have the very best capacity to complete my job.


My immediate manager, as well as the other levels of management I have been exposed to are both approachable and relatable. This really is a company where I can thrive and build a legal career.


What advice would you give to any students thinking of applying to Yegal Paralegal?

I would absolutely recommend giving Yegal a try. They have the connections to place you into the legal profession. If you are struggling to find work, applying to become a Yegal Paralegal is a must. Michael and the Yegal team genuinely care about the paralegals in ensuring they are happy and comfortable in their roles.


Yegal can open doors through industry connections that you (as someone struggling to find work within the profession) do not have. We don’t all know someone that is in the profession ready to give you a job.


Tell us about a recent book, TV show or podcast you enjoyed recently?

Recently, I have been returning to some of my old favourites. I am a big Lee Child fan with his Jack Reacher novels. I also have very much enjoyed watching Peaky Blinders on a cheeky Netflix night in.


Connect with Sean on LinkedIn or invite him to a job today!

If you are currently looking for paid legal work, apply today.