This blog post is Part 3 of our “Law in Lockdown” series where we reflect on how the legal industry has been impacted by COVID-19 and also provide an insight as to how Yegal has changed in response to the pandemic. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2


How has Yegal Paralegal evolved as a business?

At Yegal, we have made it our priority to accept and embrace change brought on by the pandemic and have driven this into our approach to operations and how we engage with our clients.


We have adopted new technology, regularly scheduled virtual team meetings to ensure better communication relating to our goals and new metrics for success. We have mobilised all of our paralegal workers by rolling out a suite of online tools to stay in constant contact with them. Many of us are struggling with isolation and this makes hearing from someone even just to ‘check in’ vitally important. We’re also telling them that remote work is not going away and that they should promote their experience working on a ‘remote team’ on their CV.


Why is Yegal best placed to help with resourcing for remote work?

Being in lockdown creates a reluctance among business leaders to bring on new staff because of the view that it might be hard to get to know someone if you cannot meet them face to face. This is a fallacy. Law firm leaders need to ask clients whether they have noticed any difference in service standards since staff left the office?


The reality is that we are all no less able to work in legal services post-COVID. All the tools we need are at home. If you’re unsure about bringing on a new junior to work remotely let Yegal take care of the hiring. We can assure you that all of our paralegals are trusted and reliable and can deliver value to your team in a remote environment. Learning more about how we work will show you just how we keep our service promise.


What is ‘insourcing’ and why does it make Yegal different?

Outsourcing is a term that most lawyers have come to know in the past 15-20 years. Legal Process Outsourcing has become a huge industry and typically involves law firms sending large volumes of routine, repetitive work to an international provider who engages local staff to carry out the work at a significantly reduced price.


Insourcing is a term that the team at Yegal promote in order to effectively describe our service. What is it? It’s when the law firm or legal team retain the management over the legal work being conducted. The process of completing the work is carried out by a Paralegal under the direct supervision of the Partner who is “insourced” to the firm. All of the related employer obligations which sit in and around actually doing the work are managed elsewhere by Yegal. Specifically this means Yegal ensures:

  • WE find the candidates
  • WE screen the candidates
  • WE train candidates (via the Yegal Academy)
  • WE onboard only those that we deem trusted and reliable as casual paralegals which means we take care of payroll, insurance, superannuation (all employer obligations) 

Leaving you to focus solely on legal work. This is insourcing and it’s the most efficient way for you to manage your legal team!


Take a look at our directory of elite talent or post a FREE Job ad today!

  1. Our paralegals can assist you remotely (no desk space required!)
  2. We ensure our remote workers are setup with the relevant IT infrastructure 
  3. We supervise our workers and take care of all employer obligations (risk free)
  4. You just need to send instructions on what work needs to be completed and communicate any deadlines